Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Advantages & Disadvantages of E-Resources

Advantages of e-resources
  • Accessible – can be accessed from any computer on campus and usually any computer off campus, any time of the day or night, so there is no need to make a trip to the library
  • Easily searchable - each journal can be searched quick and easy often through the complete full text of articles and via online index
  • Speed - Articles/issues  appear online before printed version is available
  • Interactive - Rapid turnaround time means articles can be read, commented by the readers, amended quickly and greater feedback thru the web
  • Links - Hypertext format should be exploited and links to related articles, information on other web sites, stable URLs for individual articles and email alerts when latest issue loaded.    
  • Added Value - Advantages taken  on the web is to add value by using animation, virtual reality and interactive mathematical charts.
  • Inexpensive - savings can be made over printing costs, distribution costs and extra costs by new features.
  • Flexibility - E-journals evolved quickly. They are not tied to a format, printer, and distribution network

Disadvantages of e-resources
  • Difficulty reading computer screens:
  • limitations of computer monitor
  • read information in the screen
  • Often not included in indexing and abstracting services
  • Search engines ignores PDF files
  • Format that a large proportion of e-journal use
  • If archive is guaranteed, physical storage can be saved
  • Perishable citation - once online, if  websites change URLs citations disappear
  • Authenticity - authors concerned about establishing the source, authority of material in general, convinced reader for their credibility 


  1. didint understand the dis advantages.can you highlight more clearly on the dis advantages

  2. Librarians need to up skill to over rule some of the disadvantages to foreseeable, particularly on not being included in indexing and abstracting services.

  3. for librarian to be relevant in global information explosion, ICT and References services should be given a greater consideration.

  4. Thank you so much we really appreciated

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. One of the problems with internet based resources is uncertainty with regard to continued access . In several countries , Internet has become a political tool in the hands of govts to control civil problems. A recent example is denial of access to internet in Kashmir leading to hugely affecting research and learning. This could be considered as one of the disadvantages of e resources.

  7. can u explain for me more about the disadvantages please
