Advantages of e-resources
Disadvantages of e-resources
- Accessible – can be accessed from any computer on campus and usually any computer off campus, any time of the day or night, so there is no need to make a trip to the library
- Easily searchable - each journal can be searched quick and easy often through the complete full text of articles and via online index
- Speed - Articles/issues appear online before printed version is available
- Interactive - Rapid turnaround time means articles can be read, commented by the readers, amended quickly and greater feedback thru the web
- Links - Hypertext format should be exploited and links to related articles, information on other web sites, stable URLs for individual articles and email alerts when latest issue loaded.
- Added Value - Advantages taken on the web is to add value by using animation, virtual reality and interactive mathematical charts.
- Inexpensive - savings can be made over printing costs, distribution costs and extra costs by new features.
- Flexibility - E-journals evolved quickly. They are not tied to a format, printer, and distribution network
Disadvantages of e-resources
- Difficulty reading computer screens:
- limitations of computer monitor
- read information in the screen
- Often not included in indexing and abstracting services
- Search engines ignores PDF files
- Format that a large proportion of e-journal use
- If archive is guaranteed, physical storage can be saved
- Perishable citation - once online, if websites change URLs citations disappear
- Authenticity - authors concerned about establishing the source, authority of material in general, convinced reader for their credibility